A simple subtraction. In theory, calculating your remaining life is not very complicated: you just need to take all of your income and subtract your fixed charges… But is it that simple in practice? According to Fortuneo, your income taken into account by banking establishments to calculate your remaining life is as follows: salary, property income and, possibly, retirement pension.

From this sum, you must subtract the so-called incompressible expenses which correspond to:

Your remainder to live, therefore, corresponds to all the expenses likely to vary from one month to another, such as food, furniture, electronics, household appliances, travel, entertainment, savings, clothing…

Note: each bank has its own calculation of the remainder of life, and the charges taken into account may vary. It is therefore preferable to make an appointment with your banker to have the most precise figures possible. According to the neobank, it is also possible to increase your remaining life by optimizing your energy bills, moving less, and comparing your bank charges with those offered by other banks. Up to you !