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As for almost ten years now, millions of families will receive help in 2024 to pay an energy bill, thanks to a check specially allocated for this expense. Launched in 2015 and expanded since 2018, the energy check allows the most modest households to meet these unavoidable daily costs.

The conditions for benefiting from this aid are quite strict since they depend on income. Despite everything, nearly 6 million households can benefit from it, or around a quarter of all French households, reveals Midi Libre. So who will receive the check in 2024? How much will be collected? And on what date? Here’s what you need to know.

In total, 5.6 million households benefit from this energy check. It is allocated to the most precarious households, taking into account income and the number of people in the household. For example, if you live alone, your income must be less than 11,000 euros the previous year, i.e. for the year 2023.

To find out if you are eligible, simply go to the website and fill out your simulator, like other aid systems. You can also contact 0 805 204 805 for more information. If you are eligible, the amount varies from 48 euros to 277 euros depending on the income declared, with an average of around 150 euros.

It can be used to pay bills from suppliers of electricity, natural gas, other heating fuels (wood, domestic fuel, etc.), but also heating charges included in the fees for approved residential homes, EHPADs. , EHPAs, independent residences, establishments and long-term care units (USLD).

The energy check also allows you to pay for certain work, particularly energy renovation work. To do this, you must call on a certified “RGE” professional recognized as an environmental guarantor. You will find the list on the France Rénov website. To use it, beneficiaries can present it to their energy suppliers online or by mail, until March 31, 2024. Once this date has passed, the aid will not will be more valid…