At the start of 2024, the temperatures on the thermometer are enough to make us shiver. Negative temperatures, even during the day, throughout France, except the Mediterranean coasts where the mildness persists. But what will the weather be like in the coming weeks? The Weather Channel has just published its first three-month seasonal trends, for the months of February, March and April.
The Météo France channel, however, specifies that “these are not weather forecasts intended to provide information on the expected weather in France on such or such a day, but to identify probabilistic trends on a European scale” .
For the month of February 2024, the first models show generally wet weather. The Mediterranean coasts should be, as usual, less affected by this rain, unlike the North. However, the north and center of the country should also experience several days of calm between two showers, where we hope, the sun’s rays will peek through.
As far as temperatures are concerned, the month of February is announced as being in season. Thus, morning freshness will sometimes remain during the day, as is currently the case.
In terms of temperatures, the month of March will be a classic seasonal month, with an increase of 0.5 degrees in temperatures on average over the month. Compared to the month of February, rainfall trends could be reversed. The weather could become drier in the North, while the South could experience disturbances. A rather welcome rain, the Mediterranean coasts still experiencing a very low level of water tables during this period.
What about the month of April?
Anticyclonic conditions should allow dry weather to persist over a large part of France. The mildness could become widespread, with perhaps the first peaks of heat. Throughout the month, temperatures should be 1 degree above seasonal norms. A start to spring which could therefore be very pleasant. We just have to wait a few more weeks to see if this semblance of summer weather is confirmed.