Favor showers rather than baths, do not rinse your plates before putting them in the dishwasher… Certain lifestyle habits allow you to save energy. Not insignificant reflexes vis-à-vis the rise in gas and electricity prices that French women and men are currently going through! According to the 2021 barometer of the national energy mediator, unveiled by Europe 1, 84% of the population is concerned about their energy expenditure, compared to 79% the previous year. A tension that pushes consumers to multiply their efforts to spend less and save more. And for good reason: a quarter of households said they had difficulty paying their electricity bills… compared to 18% in 2020.

According to the media, 60% of French women and men say they have lowered the heating in their homes in order to reduce the bill, i.e. twice as many as two years ago. Frédérique Fériaud, director general of the energy mediator, explains: “There are probably a greater number of people who have financial difficulties. Afterwards, people were perhaps more often present at home, with the confinements. had a lot of telework and suddenly people paid more attention. This doubling is particularly striking”.

Putting on a sweater when it’s cold instead of using your heaters isn’t the only way to save money. By carrying out a few small installations in the four corners of your house, you can considerably reduce your gas and electricity expenses. Check out the 20 small purchases that can change your life in the slideshow above.

Be careful, however: inventions that promise huge energy savings at low cost are not all effective. As Femme Actuelle reported in 2021, small boxes appeared a few years ago, supposed to cut your electricity bill in half for a cost of between 20 and 80 euros. The latter “would reduce power consumption by stabilizing the electrical voltage of our home (…) by capturing what is called reactive energy caused by possible voltage peaks and would be able to restore it to the general network in order to that it is not consumed”, details the magazine.

In truth, these products would have no real impact on our energy consumption, as denounced by many consumer groups. Also beware of the misleading practices of companies that pose as official suppliers, such as EDF for example.

It’s a classic pattern: in the summer, we spend a fortune on energy trying to cool our house with air conditioning or a fan. Conversely, in winter, heating represents a significant burden on our energy bill.

To remedy this, in summer as in winter, Current Woman advises to buy thermal curtains, composed of an insulating lining to protect both the cold and the heat that come from the outside. It will cost you 20 to 100 euros depending on the model and size you want.