According to figures provided by INSEE, 36% of households bought or sold with other individuals in 2017. Among these households, 16.5% made sales and 20.4% made purchases online or not. The French are therefore more and more interested in purchases between individuals. In 2019, 54% of French people bought or sold an object at a flea market according to the website Ça m’intrigues. 12% of them go to garage sales every month.

Many therefore join the flea markets organized every week in certain cities or every first Sunday of the month for others. Thus, almost 50,000 flea markets, fairs and garage sales are organized each year in France. But where can you find the nearest garage sale to you? And, what are the tricks to know?

Of the 50,000 flea markets, a large number of them are listed on the website. All you have to do is type in your address or postal code to find the one closest to you. Among the other sites known to bargain hunters, we also find or Most town halls also have a section dedicated to the organization of flea markets in your city.

But, once the garage sale has been found, your adventure has only just begun. Indeed, in the middle of all the stands and objects on offer, it can be difficult to find your way around. Thus, several tips can be essential for this first experience. Chloé, 23, used to these events, gives us some tips to help you find what you need without spending too much.

Before you even go to this garage sale, it is necessary to inform yourself. You can thus browse one of the sites mentioned above to find out the important information. You can then locate the time at which the sale will begin. “You have to get there early,” explains Chloé. Indeed, if you go there as soon as it opens, you will have a better chance of finding what you are looking for. It is also necessary to equip yourself with a shopping bag or a bag that will allow you to store all your finds.

Before going there, Chloé tells us that it is necessary “to have a lot of change to be able to negotiate on small amounts”. Currency is essential for all your transactions. But, once there, what should you be aware of?

Once you arrive at the flea market or garage sale, the first thing to do is to observe. So, take the time to study the stands and the price of each item. This will allow you to make a first identification and know what really interests you. If you have a crush, don’t show it. Indeed, Chloé explains to us “that you should not show what interests you”. It will be easier to negotiate afterwards.

For negotiations, you can offer one or two prices but do not give too low a figure. Indeed, this could lead to no reduction with the seller. Finally, take a good look at the items you want to buy. If some have a defect, it can work in your favor during the negotiations.