resim 1279
resim 1279

In April 2023, the Ministry of Ecological Transition sent a letter to nearly a million French people. This letter then informs the households drawn at random of an upcoming data collection by their Linky meter. This control is part of a study carried out by the statistical service of the ministry. The objective is then to collect data concerning the energy consumption of French people, including electricity and gas.

This study comes after the renovation aid put in place by the government. Indeed, “MaPrimeRénov'” is an aid for energy renovation. From February 1, the ceilings for renovation work have been increased. It supplements the other subsidies granted by the State to the various households to help them deal with inflation. Thus, your electricity and gas consumption could be recorded in order to assess the possible results of such renovations.

To carry out this data collection, the Ministry of Energy Transition will use Linky meters. Households drawn at random from nearly 3,000 municipalities will therefore have their energy consumption assessed. But, how were they drawn? And, how did Linky become their tool for this study?

The 3,000 municipalities chosen to carry out the survey would correspond to the most representative “of the network of the territory”, specifies Gulhem Pouiol, journalist for Capital. “The selection has taken care to guarantee a good representation in terms of main residences, energies and heating methods (individual or central)”, he specifies. The objective was therefore to have a large sample representing the entire French population.

To do this, connected meters like Linky will serve as a tool to measure this consumption. Initially, in May 2023, a first data collection will be carried out. Thereafter, information on household consumption will be taken every six months. The Linky counter will then make it possible to collect enough figures for the State to be able to use them as part of this study. But what does this have to do with the energy renovation bonus?

The Linky meter will therefore allow this data to be recorded. But what is the use of it? The aim is to compare the energy consumption between households that have not renovated their homes and households that have made these changes since 2018. “This will make it possible to estimate the real effects of the energy renovation systems put in place for several years”, adds Guilhem Pouiol. Among these aids, we therefore find MaPrimeRénov’, but also Energy Saving Certificates (CEE) and the energy transition tax credit (CITE).

Previously, reductions in household energy consumption were calculated only theoretically. Nevertheless, our fellow journalist from Capital notes that “it has been demonstrated that there are significant differences between the theoretical gains of an energy renovation and the actual energy savings”. These data collections would make it possible to better account for these reductions in consumption. But when will the results of this study be published?

According to Capital magazine, the first results of the study will be published by the ministry in 2024. You can find the data on the site of the National Observatory for Energy Renovation. The State thus hopes to prove the need for energy renovation work.

In addition, this survey conducted by the State concerns both tenants and owners. Nevertheless, if you are one of the selected, it is possible for you not to participate in the study. You have one month to contact the ministry. However, all data is anonymized.