Flour is an essential part of cooking. Whether it is to make preparations, pastries or thicken sauces, it is difficult to do without. This is why many people fear a future shortage. Unlike other products such as mustard or butter, flour is difficult to replace and its lack is really felt in the daily life of the French.

Fortunately, flour production has been able to remain stable and there should be no shortages or shortages. At least that’s what Arnaud Petit, director of the International Grains Council, believes.

“For the moment, wheat production is fairly stable, there is no shortage. The risk of crisis is rather linked to the increase in tariffs and the disruption of supply chains.”, a-t he declared to our colleagues of 60 million consumers.

The price of the harvest is thus increasingly high so that in 2022, its increase is estimated at 67% between February and May. Faced with inflation and the fear of a shortage, many people have chosen to build up a few stocks of flour.

However, a date is written on the packets of flour. This is the date of minimum durability, which means that the flour can still be consumed even after, reports Femme Actuelle.

However, you must still be careful to check before using it because flour that is unfit for consumption changes color, smell and shows mold.

If you still want to avoid consuming expired flour, do not throw it away. This can have many unsuspected uses.