Taking out school insurance is not compulsory. However, it is strongly recommended so that a school child can go to the green class, go to the museum with his class, or even participate in a PE course at the municipal swimming pool while being covered in the event of damage.
Before subscribing to school insurance, it is advisable to check if there is no duplication with an insurance already subscribed by the parents. For example, multi-risk home insurance (MRH), which covers the whole household, is already likely to protect children. “However, you should check with your insurer that the guarantee is indeed extended to children so that their names can appear on the certificate”, warns Stéphanie Durrafourd, spokesperson for the online insurance comparator Assurland.com, with our colleagues from Les Echos. It will then suffice to provide the establishment with a certificate proving that the child is well covered.
In an interview for RiskAssur, Itzal Arbide, CEO of the comparator LeLynx, specifies: “By looking at the contracts and guarantees already taken out by the household, it is a question of determining the essential guarantees and the superfluous covers to make the right choice in school insurance. The risks incurred by the child at school, in the context of a sport or a school activity, determine the coverage to be favored to protect him as well as possible”. Discussing with the child concerned to understand what his needs are also helps to see things more clearly. Should he wear glasses or braces? Does he have a dys disorder (dyslexia, dysorthographia etc.)? Does he play a sport or play a musical instrument? In addition, recalls Les Echos, some companies now take into account the risks associated with digital technology, in particular cyberbullying, as well as “physical” risks such as racketeering or theft. Others also offer psychological assistance and educational support for children kept at home, as well as legal advice. Note that the price of school insurance will depend on what is taken into account in the offer.
Then there’s the biggest headache: comparing offers. To do this, simply go to an online comparator, such as lelynx.fr, lesfurets.com or even hyperassur.com. It is also possible to obtain information from the establishment where the child is educated or from the parents’ association.