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In France, several possibilities are available to individuals who wish to invest, save or simply spend their money. In any bank, you can benefit from the opening of a passbook A, a current account, or even savings and investment books… The differences are not always clear, and the rates of neither is compensation.

Savings are, however, at the heart of household concerns in 2022. In 2020, the French had thus saved 21.4% of their gross income, according to INSEE data. This is much more than in previous years.

The pandemic and the uncertainty in the financial markets would have largely contributed to reinforcing the need to set aside. This year, with the war in Ukraine, the trend should continue.

Because if savings can be used to make your capital grow, and thus build long-term projects, it is also a privileged way to deal with the unexpected and the vagaries of life.

Depending on your status, your income or your age, you can benefit, in France, from the opening of one or more savings books. The public service website lists 8 different types:

Each has a specific interest rate, and often a deposit limit. Banks often offer, in addition, specific booklets with advantageous interest rates or special savings conditions, such as life insurance or investment accounts.

But how much should you keep on each passbook at all times to maximize your savings? Find out in our slideshow.