After the elections, they seemed closer to each other. But for now, it’s back bovenarms between the Vlaams belang and a Member of parliament, Theo Francken (N-VA). On Twitter, it was Friday and it is mutual blame thrown in.
“What is legal bullshit”, and put Francken, this morning, and the fire on the wick. He did this in what, the Flemish Interest party leader, Chris Smith’s show on Radio 1 had said. Johnson proposed that social housing is only available only to those who have the Belgian nationality and speaks Dutch.
One proposal is that, according to Francken, just can’t be done because it is legally impossible to carry out.
What’s the legal bullshit. BULLSHIT.
when I was waiting in the meanwhile for MONTHS in the first migratievoorstellen of @vlbelang group.
free of charge. Nada. Zero.@t_pallieterke Francken (@FranckenTheo September 27, 2019
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Then remembered Francken (Flemish Interest of the migratievoorstellen, which they had promised, but that is still not on the table.
The VP wants this, only the people with the Belgian nationality, have the right to social housing. It Is opposed to any European directive on the legal and shit.
I’ll take the advice of Stainless steel and it is ever submitted.
up To now, the h that of the whole group by the way, nothing is done. Vetbetaalde months of doing nothing.
Theo Francken (@FranckenTheo September 27, 2019
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the Vlaams belang chairman of the Tom From the Greeks, mixed them up with a little joke during the discussion: “you have to have one in the morning, his brother Theo. It is not, as in the Flemish negotiation does not go the way you want it, that you, that we have to take it out #be frustrated.”
Francken which you will be able to laugh about this: “What is an level for me. If the content is not to be able to play it on a man? If this is the way it is when you are getting involved in politics, I am very happy that we are with you, you do not control it. Shame.”
good Morning to you, Theo, a bad night?
Hey, quick question for you: what is your migratiewetboek? All ready to go? And put to the vote?
— Chris Smith (@chrisjanssensVB September 27, 2019
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“Go and have a slice of bread, with chocolate to eat, my boy”, replied the former secretary of state for Asylum and Migration, a little later, in another tweet from Chris Johnson.
for More about Theo Francken, N-VA, wants to “draaideurhuwelijken” to address the Statements of Theo Francken seem to be a PS-bearing Magnette, will not have to touch The corner of Theo Francken: “We can choose to be either for the government or for the full-stop”, N-VA, cross confederalisme in the fridge: it is they mean to govern with the PS?