From a simple headache to a chronic illness, treatment is less and less accessible in pharmacies. And for good reason: for several months, France has been plagued by a shortage of drugs. During a trip to Ardèche, Emmanuel Macron revealed the details of his health recovery plan.

During this speech, the President of the Republic announced the establishment of a list of 50 priority drugs whose production will be increased or relocated in the country. In our slideshow below, discover the 25 drugs that will soon be made more accessible in France.

These 50 drugs, for which the Head of State has recognized a proven dependence on imports from outside Europe, are themselves part of a larger list of 450 so-called “essential” products.

In 2022, the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) received no less than 3,700 reports of stockouts or risk of stockouts. That is 73% more than in 2021. In question? The production of raw materials for the most well-known drugs on the market has been relocated outside Europe. According to our colleagues from Parisian, this decision is based on social, environmental and economic strategies. Thus, France depends on China and India up to 60 to 80%. “A threshold that climbs to 95% for biomedicines”, specifies the daily newspaper from the Ile-de-France.