Questioned by our colleagues from BFMTV for Ligne Rouge, the journalist and author of the book “Les sans jours” Ludovic Vigogne makes confessions about the Head of State. Apparently, the President of the Republic would have some exchanges with “ordinary French people”. But who is it exactly? What is the reason for these exchanges? We explain everything to you.

During this episode of the Red Line, we learn that Emmanuel Macron would be a president with many contacts. In addition to having the personal telephone of “all the parliamentarians and senators of his majority”, to whom he would send SMS between midnight and 2 a.m., as confessed by François Patriat, president of the Renaissance senators, the French Head of State would also hold the telephone numbers of certain citizens. “We know very well that he has contacts on Telegram, on Whatsapp with ‘ordinary French people’ from all walks of life”, affirms during this documentary Ludovic Vigogne, before Marc Ferracci adds that these people “are not elected officials”, but “people he met, to whom he left his telephone number”, “it could be a business manager, a baker, a cleaning lady” . However, he would also hold the contact of parliamentarians and senators. But, what is said in their exchanges? The President of the Republic would contact them during the night, to obtain information concerning their opinion. Some politicians would therefore receive “How do you feel?” around midnight and 2 a.m., whether they are in France or abroad.

The president of the Renaissance senators later added that Emmanuel Macron would show “great responsiveness” as well as “great attention”. But he is not the only one to give his opinion on the Head of State. Indeed, the journalist Corinne Lhaïk affirms that the President of the Republic listens enormously to the opinion of others. For her, it’s more a way to consolidate “in her original opinion than to change it”. She will also add that “perhaps that’s why it’s poorly perceived. It seems like he’s listening to say to himself: “In the end, everything that other people say to me, it reinforces me in what I thought from the start,” she concluded.

In addition, as explained earlier in this article, Emmanuel Macron would exchange with “ordinary French people” from all walks of life. Ludovic Vigogne will specify during this documentary that “The Élysée is a bunker, you are surrounded by your faithful. Perhaps all the truths do not reach you, that you are protected. But Emmanuel Macron has a specificity, he has also a lot of sensors with the exterior”.