The car is the means of transport most chosen by the French to go on vacation. This summer, there are 20 million of them heading for their corner of paradise, to rest and relax after an exhausting year.

However, this year, going on vacation will never have cost so much. Indeed, Midi Libre reports that the increase in the price of transport is estimated at 30% compared to last year.

Added to this is general inflation but also that of tolls which, even if it is only 2%, still represents a certain weight on the portfolio of motorists.

Fortunately, Dossier Familial has spotted a loophole that could save up to 20% on tolls. To do this, it suffices to split its paths by using intermediate outputs. So, if you have to leave a highway at exit 4, you can exit at 1, 2 or 3 to save money. You will then have to turn around to return to the highway.

The added sum of tolls will be lower using this trick. For example, the Paris-Lille journey goes from 17.30 euros to 14.20 euros using an intermediate exit.

The technique is simple and effective and allows you to make significant savings on your vacation journey. In theory, the more you do it, the more money you win.

However, it is better to use the trick sparingly because, in addition to the time it can waste, you also have to think about your fuel costs, which can quickly increase if the trip is too long.