A tense winter. Inflation, shortages, epidemic recovery… The next few weeks are not going to be easy for French people. A critical situation which is unfortunately the starting point of many rumors which arouse indignation among Internet users. This is the case, recently, of confusion about possible power cuts this winter.

On social networks, some users spread the “news” like wildfire: people with a Linky meter at home would be harmed this winter, with a restriction on the use of electronic devices and household appliances as well as a limitation of heating… At 16°C.

Restraining the power via Linky will cause total shutdown in the event of overrun (this is one of its functions). I let you imagine the state of the food when you return from a pro trip on Friday evening, just because a set at 16°C activated on Monday. https://t.co/IAvwQZGsjQ

Naturally, no household will see the temperature of its interior limited this winter, as Enedis attests: “The possibility of using exceptional, preventive, localized and controlled cuts over periods of approximately 2 hours, has always been one mechanisms that can potentially be activated in the event of risks to the balance of the electricity system in France. This mechanism could be used (…) depending on the electricity supply and production situation in France”.

If there is a cut, it will be “everything more classic” cuts, the company assures us. Don’t worry, therefore: you will be able to heat your interior correctly, whether you are equipped with a Linky meter or not.