resim 1396
resim 1396

In May 2023, the Cour des comptes published a new report on social fraud in France. This would amount to between six and eight billion euros per year. To combat this problem, the government is considering several measures. On May 29, 2023, Grabiel Attal ended up presenting to the Parisian this time a plan to fight against social fraud after the announcement of a first plan to fight against tax fraud.

In his interview with the Ile-de-France daily, the Minister of Public Accounts said he wanted to merge the Vitale card and the identity card. But this is not the only measure desired by the government. Indeed, Gabriel Attal also addressed the issue of social benefits and the conditions governing them. Discover in our slideshow below those affected by the anti-fraud plan.

According to information gathered by Capital, agents of the Caisses d’Allocations Familiales (CAF) have identified an amount equivalent to 300 million euros in social security benefits fraud in 2020. For its part, the Court of Auditors estimated an amount total of 2.5 to 3.2 billion euros. To fight against these scams, the government wishes to extend the compulsory annual period of residence on French territory.

For the moment, all social benefits are conditional on a minimum duration in a residence located in France. Nevertheless, it is more or less long depending on the aid requested. The government therefore wishes to harmonize this measure. The latter could be voted on in the fall as part of the Social Security financing bill (PLFSS) for 2024. While waiting for the verdict, you can already consult in our slideshow below the aid that may be concerned.