Flagship product of the summer, the cucumber goes perfectly with tomato and feta. However, it must be consumed quickly, because this vegetable does not last long at low temperatures. Placed in the refrigerator, it loses its flavor and its skin withers. In addition, humidity and cold cause it to rot quickly. According to the Femme Actuelle media, to slow down this phenomenon, it should not be placed in the tray usually provided for vegetables.

In fact, as long as it is not cut or peeled, the cucumber can be stored in the open air. Just be sure not to put it near bananas or tomatoes. These produce ethylene gas which speeds up the ripening process of fruits and vegetables. What we are trying to avoid here.

If it is necessary to store the cucumber in the fridge, here is a little trick to keep it intact: just wrap it in a sheet of paper towel which will protect it for about one or two weeks. This is why supermarkets generally wrap certain foodstuffs in plastic, despite the ecological cost of the operation.

Peeling, according to the Tomates et Cucumbers de France website, is not mandatory. The skin of this green vegetable is concentrated in vitamin and fiber. Better still, it facilitates digestion, thanks to an enzyme which is used to break down proteins: pepsin. There is no health problem in consuming it: the hygienic conditions of its cultivation are strict. A light rinse before tasting is enough.