Soon a green agro-economy? In any case, this is where France seems to be heading. Designed by the ITAB (Institute of Agriculture and Organic Food), the Planet-score may help save your health and the planet.

From now on, you will find it on the shelves of your favorite supermarkets and, as Pleinchamp indicates, in 6 countries of the European Union: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

According to the Planet-score site, thanks to it, you will be able to know if what you are buying is truly environmentally friendly. It is therefore a further step towards the progress of ecological awareness.

There was already the nutri-score, which told consumers if the food bought in the supermarket was good for their health. The Planet-score will work the same way but for the environment. Always by a label affixed to the product, informing on a scale from A, where the product is ecological to E, consumption is harmful for the environment.

It will therefore be a valuable aid for the consumer to inform and educate himself more easily about ecological consumption. This rating system corresponds to an “ecological transition scenario of our food” indicates the Planet-score site.

As Sabine Bonnot, spokesperson for Planet-score for Europe 1, points out: “We really have a tool that aims to help consumers see in transparency what they are buying and to be able to modify their acts of purchase or in any case to hold manufacturers accountable for the way in which food is produced.”

According to the Planet-score site, this environmental rating system corresponds to “an ecological transition scenario for our food.” According to Europe 1, already 150 brands have their products evaluated according to its scale. The labels will soon arrive on the shelves, little by little.