French call histories are often saturated with solicitations from telephone canvassers. No matter the time and day, unknown numbers call you with commercial offers. Personal training account, mobile offer, opening a store… These calls have many points in common, including one in particular: they annoy the French. In 2018, they were 9 out of 10 to consider this commercial practice “annoying”, as revealed by a survey by UFC-Que Choisir. To avoid it as much as possible, it is necessary to succeed in identifying it as quickly as possible.

In theory, when a telemarketer calls you, he is supposed to give you these different pieces of information:

In addition to these obligations, telephone canvassers regularly use certain phases and techniques that will allow you to spot them in an instant. Find them in the slideshow below.

It is not enough to recognize these commercial solicitations so that they no longer bother you. Fortunately, there are many techniques to ensure that you are no longer bothered by these telemarketers. Here are some examples:

Thanks to these different tips, you can limit the number of incoming calls. On the other hand, telephone canvassers can always contact you in very specific cases.