Laura AlborSEGUIRJorge AguilarSEGUIRCarlos Meek ChicoteSEGUIRMadrid Updated: Save Send news by mail electrónicoTu name *

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Economists and historians agree to speak of cycles in the evolution of societies and Spain, since the advent of democracy, it seems to repeat the same behavior, to a greater or lesser extent: in times of crisis – now we can say that we drop a decade- the main adjustment is made for the job : Either in the form of dismissals or suspensions (ERTEs). While in the times of vacas gordas, it creates employment at a rapid pace. However, much of the employment generated is precarious and lower value added. The latest EPA (Active Population Survey), published this week, and under the impact of the pandemic brings three data disturbing in this regard: it is estimated that the occupation fell during the second quarter of the year in 1.074.000 people (this figure does not include the millions of workers in ERTE), and that the effective working hours collapsed 22,59%.

If, however, the job situation in Spain is not required of the coronavirus to show its worst face. Since the previous crisis, the country did not leave a place of honor among the “champions” of unemployment in Europe : With an unemployment rate of 14.3% – the last EPA already raised to 15,33%- and the number of unemployed of more than three million people (3.36 million according to the INE), we are the second EU country with the highest unemployment rate, behind only Greece (17,3% at the end of 2019, Eurostat).

however, the number of unemployed our leadership is undisputed that the unemployed greeks are officially 818.900 according to Eurostat. Well it is true that Greece exceeds hyperactivated 10 million inhabitants, and Spain is over 47 million. Well behind these brands, always on the basis of Eurostat data at the end of 2019, the countries of our environment like France (2,52 million unemployed and an unemployment rate of 8.5%), Portug to l (339.500 stops and a rate of 6.5% of unemployment) and Italy (2.58 million unemployed and a rate of 10%).

All this, with a strong regional dispersion than in Spain, more than 30%, although the differences within the countries are more acute in Italy (52%) or France (30,8%).

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