The telephone has become the main means of contacting the emergency services. Thanks to a single number, 112, and the democratization of this means of communication, it is very easy to ask for help… Provided you have access to a network. In anticipation of the power cuts envisaged this winter in the event of high tensions, the emergency number services could therefore be unreachable.
This is the alarm bell sounded by Christel Heydemann, CEO of Orange, who considered it “illusory” to think that a continuous service will be ensured in the event of a power cut. “Unfortunately, telecom networks are not considered priority sites,” the entrepreneur told the Senate Economic Affairs Committee.
According to a government circular, consulted by Europe 1, the prefects will have certain instructions to follow to guarantee access to emergencies for the population. They must, among other things, ensure that there is always a physical presence in the town halls, 24 hours a day, in order to ensure the orientation of the inhabitants towards the competent services.
In addition, the human presence will be reinforced in the emergency call reception centres, in the gendarmeries as well as in the police stations.
Residents and local players will be encouraged to multiply eco-gestures to reduce their electricity consumption. It will also be recommended to approach people considered vulnerable to help them contact the emergency services if necessary.