Indeed, I abandoned local purchasing. The cost of goods has exploded and I have to adjust. To get to know this type of store that I love, I have sometimes been disappointed to see that many of the products sold are packaged in Quebec, but remain made in China. In the current context, when it comes to buying online, it becomes much less attractive to pay $15 or $20 for a nice collapsible storage basket that sells in packs of two or three for similar quality on Amazon, since at Ultimately, both come from the same place. When I see my grocery bill, I no longer treat myself to a $30 candle. It’s such a shame, these people put all their hearts into it and you can feel it in their store.

On the contrary, I favor local purchasing even if sometimes the products are more expensive than those offered by the competition from elsewhere. With the rising cost of living, I have certainly reduced my expenses, however.

I have always favored buying local, especially in food for the quality and freshness, even if it is a little more expensive. However, I scan the flyers for discounts every week and I cook a lot, which helps me save on my grocery bill. For body care and household cleaning products, I choose eco-friendly big box brands like Attitude or another Canadian brand. As for luxury products like candles and small pots of all kinds, I reserve them for gifts, but they are the ones that are cut first in the budget, like restaurants. Everyone has their own priorities, for me it’s quality food.

Whether the purchase is local or not, the shops mentioned sell products that are more luxurious than essential. During the pandemic, we felt a need to “treat” ourselves. Because our expensive outings were very limited, we could afford these products. The economic situation no longer allows us these expenses. I prefer to buy local, but not if I have to go into debt to do so.

For the most part, we have to make choices. Between grocery shopping and everyday bills, buying a small bottle of perlimpinpin or a small hand-knitted cushion, let’s just say that as far as I’m concerned, my choice is made.

We haven’t moved away from buying local, but the “premium” for buying local is often high, for good and bad reasons. Inflation has led many consumers to remove ethical criteria from their purchases. The environment and working conditions are forgotten to the detriment of price and the media’s focus on inflation removes this important consideration when making purchasing decisions. The consumer too often remains selfish in their purchases, to the detriment of the future of the planet and our local entrepreneurs.