Retirement at 1,200 euros for all? It is obviously not for 2023. Contrary to what the President of the Republic had announced, this minimum should only apply to future retirees and not to current ones. This measure should deprive 5 million people of the upgrading. A man regrets, on France Info: “It’s discrimination, in addition many retirees have incomes that are not at this level so they are sidelined”.

However, during his presidential campaign, Emmanuel Macron had expressed his wish to revalue current retirees: “Including for current retirees. Someone who listens to us today and who is at 990 euros, who has had a full career (…) I wish we could raise it to 1,100 euros, ”he said on April 15, 2022. La CGT regret this decision.

However, during the year, the smallest pensions were increased by 4% on the basic pensions and concerned 15 million pensioners. It was paid on Friday September 9 with retroactivity on the months of July and August 2022. But this increase does not compensate for inflation at 6.6% at the end of the year, according to INSEE. For completeness, a 1.1% revaluation had taken place on January 1, 2022.

The 4% increase was made possible by the law of August 16, 2022 on the preservation of purchasing power. This revaluation aims to compensate for the rise in prices due to inflation in 2022 concerns all basic pensions, the survivor’s pension, the solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa) and the supplementary disability allowance (ASI) .

It applied to the pensions of retirees from the private sector, the civil service, special schemes and the self-employed.

On 1 January next year, 14 million seniors will be affected by the increase in basic retirement pensions. It will be only 0.8% and will be visible the following month in the installments. For a pension of €1,500, this corresponds to a net increase of €12.

This increase concerns people affiliated to the CNAV (national old-age insurance fund), the CNRACL (national fund of local authority agents), the SRE (state pension service) and the CNAVPL (national old-age insurance fund liberal professions).

Note that supplementary pensions were increased by 5.12% in November 2022.