The actress Nathalie Baye, star of French cinema, began her career in the early 1970s in the film Brève Rencontre à Paris. Faced with her first steps in front of the camera, the young budding actress did not have the expected support from her parents, Claude Baye and Denise Coustet, who were painters.

“I never had any compliments from my parents,” she said in the columns of the Journal du dimanche. According to her, “They were so unhappy to be unrecognized artists”.

Her mother did not see her success and her notoriety in the cinema with a good eye. “My mother almost told me that if I had succeeded in the cinema, it was because I had been a whore. My father, one day, blew me away, after twenty years of career , that I was ‘not bad’ in a film”, she had told and to continue: “I do not blame them at all. When I think about it, I even want to cry.”

In 1993, the actress’ mother passed away from metastasized brain cancer. A painful moment for Johnny Hallyday’s ex-girlfriend who accompanied her during her hospitalization at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital.

Faced with so much suffering, Laura Smet’s mother then asked the nursing staff not to prolong her mother’s life more than reason. “I begged them. I almost rolled on the ground for them to release my mother from all her pain. The next day she was dead”, she told our colleagues and added: “I am against any form of therapeutic relentlessness. When the time comes, I will not subject my daughter to what I have suffered”.