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Listeria, metallic foreign bodies… So many things that you certainly do not want to find on your plates. This is why the E.Leclerc brand is currently recalling some of its products.

If you happen to have purchased one or more of these products, please do not consume them! Also be vigilant for the appearance of certain symptoms, such as fever, stomach aches or headaches, especially if you belong to a high-risk group of people: immunocompromised and pregnant people in particular. If you observe these symptoms, consult a doctor and tell him that you have eaten such or such food at risk. Keep the products until your next shopping, and you can bring them back to the store for a refund.

The presence of metallic foreign bodies in food can be dangerous for health. Indeed, if you ingest a piece of metal, it could have serious consequences. The presence of listeria or patulin is even more serious, especially since it is not detectable with the naked eye.

Listeria can trigger an infectious disease called listeriosis, which can be fatal in some cases. The incubation time can range from 2 days to 2 months after ingesting the bacteria, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty. Patulin, on the other hand, is a mycotoxin, that is to say a microscopic fungus, which colonizes fruits and vegetables. By ingesting it, you risk gastrointestinal disorders such as ulcerations, which can go as far as kidney dysfunction, according to

What are the products recalled in the group’s supermarkets, the favorites of the French? Planet has gathered for you the list of products from Leclerc not to be consumed.