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Alongside host Thierry Ardisson, humorist and actor Laurent Baffie has become one of the key figures on the show Salut les Terriens!. A program during which the former “sniper” of the small screen caused a lot of ink to flow with his often provocative humor.

An era almost over for the star who celebrates her 65th birthday on April 18, 2023. “It’s the end of an era, you can’t say anything anymore while on stage I say what I want… But I don’t I took advantage, I had a lot of fun with Thierry (Ardisson). We were a niche apart, he dared everything, I didn’t care about anything, it was very unlikely…”, he had declared to our colleagues from Parisian in January 2022 and to add: “People thought I was the bad guy, but in reality it was Thierry who was scratching, scratching, and I was swinging a valve that relaxed everyone. We had a number of duettists”.

Known to be without language of wood, Laurent Baffie is also with regard to certain aspects of his private life. On the occasion of the documentary, Bald, Revenge, he agreed to return to his cosmetic surgery operations, saying that he had had a hair transplant, but not only.

“When I shaved, I realized that it gave me a stupid face. If I had the face of Bruce Willis, I would have stayed like that! I took the plunge, but it made me feel sick. dog”, he had declared and to continue: “I had done the total, in my sixties I did the implants and the suitcases under the eyes because it made me look tired. So when I redid the TV people said ‘Oh dear, we don’t recognize him, Oh dear, Baffie he had plastic surgery’. As if I had done the chest, the breasts, the cheekbones. Well no I I just did the implants”.

Planet invites you to discover it in pictures in our slideshow.