Summer holidays are approaching and many French people spend them abroad. If these weeks are synonymous with relaxation for most of us, we must still remain vigilant about the use of our mobile phones. And yes, depending on your mobile plan, using your smartphone abroad can be more or less expensive. Find directly, in our slideshow available below, our best advice to avoid doubling your telephone bill during your holidays.

Regarding your usual monthly telephone bill, some expenses should be avoided in order to reduce it. While inflation is in full swing, and increases the price of the majority of telephone plans, it is still possible to lower your bill. For this, beware of paid options that can be hidden. Indeed, some operators can add a new paid option without asking you.

As explained in a previous Planet article, the warning email “is disguised as an advertisement so that the customer does not pay attention to it”. Other unnecessary expenses are also to be avoided if you want to save money, such as: the switch to alarmist fiber optics, premium rate calls, as well as plans with commitment.

Find in our slideshow below, all our advice to avoid seeing your telephone bill rise during your holidays abroad.