Theater of power, the capitals are important elements, and this, on different scales. Capitals are large cities in which various places of national power and different political institutions reside. Moreover, they are equally important culturally, historically, economically or socially.

Some capitals were born naturally while others saw the light of day under the will of a king or a government, they are said to be “invented”. These historic cities are part of the evolution of their country and its history, like Paris, London or Athens.

Among these capitals, most are home to a large number of inhabitants. Here is the list of the 10 most populated capitals in the world. Attention some present in this list will surprise you!

Have you traveled a lot or are you passionate about geography? Do you think you can recognize the capital of a country in a photo? Planet’s editorial team has concocted a brand new quiz for you that will allow you to test your knowledge while facing your loved ones. You are ready ? Answer the question without cheating, the answer is displayed below the questionnaire! Good luck…