This coming weekend, Desjardins Group should end the possibility for its customers to use the cash book to obtain an update of their current transactions.

A few months ago, Desjardins announced that the cash book would no longer be used as of November 19. Passbook holders will instead receive a monthly account statement in paper format, unless they have subscribed to the virtual statement.

Nowadays, the booklet is mainly used by older customers, familiar with this method and often less comfortable with digital tools.

Digital technology should allow passbook users to now benefit from more information on their transactions than what the passbook can show them.

To help passbook holders make the transition to paper or virtual statements, Desjardins Group had to send them information in recent weeks.

The cash book is a method of updating transactions that has been used for a very long time at Desjardins Group. For several decades, updating has been done in machines, at credit union counters or in automatic teller machines, but previously, cashier attendants entered transactions by hand, with a pen.