Cartooniste Chrostin (23) in the daily life of Christina, and The White has a Thursday night of her appeared in “The smartest man in the world”. Its ongeremdheid and fresh appearance, even for a moment, a very emotional Jérôme themselves in its festivities. And she persuades Erik Van Looy, and even a tattoo to show off. In this holiday episode is missing? With this summary, you are back in the game.
best prices.
Jérôme: . “When I am in bed, should be on the boat with James, he would, perhaps, be a sure to be able to wegpinken.”
James Cooke: . “Why?”
Jérôme: . “This is a once in a while, the effects of the pepper spray.”
Erik Van Looy: , “Tom Cruise is the same age as I am. You will see that much of a difference to me?
Jérôme: , “Tom Cruise is still alive.”
Van Looy: . “you have to Have is often borrowed, Chrostin?
Chrostin: . “Yes.”
Van Looy: “How did you do that?”
Chrostin: “Good!”
finally, James tells the story of how his mother, Leen Demaré, on the radio and bitched and called the Video Four
The most Beautiful moment.
With the introduction of the Chrostin find ronald mcdonald will be, the tattoos on her arm. “And that’s good enough”, to share them with you. He is not at all agree with this: “Unless you’re here to win. A few of < / I>, The world’s smartest person .” Chrostin refuses to plots: “Unless we work together!” Erik hesitates to James Cooke is a valid argument, throws: “It’s good for the ratings!” So it says, ” Erik explained, “somewhere along the way, and that I was still on the beach, you can come in.” That Chrostin: “as A tramp stamp!” Something to look forward to.
and The winner of Thursday night.
finally, Bazart, singer, Mathieu Terryn saw in this film an American presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who was interviewed by rapper Cardi B) and won 440 seconds.
The loser of Thursday night.
we are a high-class final, and drew Sophie Lemaire, ultimately to no end. After three episodes, the radiopresentatrice back to the house.
The new person on Monday.
the Singer, Ian Thomas.
the Astrid Stockman (8 episodes).
the Modern Vanwezemael (6 episodes).
Philippe Geubels: (5 episodes).
Mathieu Terryn (5 episodes)
Sebastien Dewaele (4 episodes)
find out More about The world’s smartest man, mother of James Cooke, called the Leen Demaré is a ‘bitched’ live on the radio Cartooniste Chrostin emerges from the anonymity of ‘The world’s smartest man, “The cafétest fell to the fame against the” Why, Bazart-the front man Mathieu Terryn were ever in a green, tight-pack, had to crawl on Was once part of The ‘Ideal World’, and this has a Very ‘clean’ images of the