If you and your co-workers don’t operate heavy machinery, drive tractor-trailers, perform medical procedures, or fly airplanes, smoking weed during breaks is ill-advised, but relatively harmless. . Is it professional? No. You’re not cool because you don’t like it? Maybe ! But you have the right to your opinion, just like your colleagues have the right to do whatever they want during their breaks. That said, most employers prohibit the use of intoxicants at work. Your coworkers are probably breaking the rules, but you don’t need to worry about that. Drop.

Congratulations on the happy awaited event. Help the company find a replacement. Parental leave is a common practice in companies [and it is the law in Quebec]. It’s obvious that you’re great at your job, but you’re not the only person in the world who can keep the company from imploding. And if that’s really the case, you’re not paid enough! When you talk to owners, have a clear plan in mind for what type of person they need to find, how long their tenure will be, and how you will onboard them. You shouldn’t have to split your leave or work part-time: in the expression “maternity leave”, there is the word “leave”! Be firm on this point, both with yourself and with your employer.

Just give two weeks’ notice, arrange a smooth transition, and move on in your professional life, hopefully finding a healthy situation. You are not responsible for your boss’s mental health or emotional well-being. She will get through this, I assure you.

I have a question: are you sure she works less than you? Maybe she works differently. Why are you focusing on his work habits? Frankly, it sounds like your boss has healthy work-life boundaries. I think the real issue is your resentment – ​​to which you are entitled. The best reframe I can suggest is to stop obsessing about your boss’s work habits. You choose to prioritize work. This doesn’t mean you have to be the boss. But I am sure your day will come. And I hope that in that moment you will realize that there is more to life than work, that we can be good at our work without making it the center of our lives, and that we all have complications which influence our professional life.