hot Since Comics in this country, “Graphic Novels”, if you want to claim claim, has also increased the number of drawn literature-adaptations. After all, the marketing concept has as its justification: the novels of Proust, Kafka, H. G. Wells, Marcel Beyer, Melville, and countless other writers from as-drawn versions Yes indeed, graphic novels – quite contrary to reports, autobiographies, property, plant, and comics or what is published in the German language is still in the hijacked English term. And about the dismal level of 1941 in America, for educational purposes (but not from an aesthetic Motivation) and established book series “Classics Illustrated”, their Creator succumbed to the Illusion, with a badly-made Comics you could make the reading of their literary templates, we are fortunately long. Although it doesn’t work out well-made adaptations are also better. Who’s excited for “The search of lost time” or “The process” as a Comic, has read the novel already. To the subscribers it can be no matter, as long as it is purchased.

Andreas platthaus

editor responsible for the literature and literary life.

F. A. Z.

The writers or their heirs, it is not no matter. Why should you choose to accept the Comic Version of a famous book? The rights holders of the works of Beckett, reference can be made to the fact that the author himself has agreed to during his lifetime, no adaptation (i.e., alienation), and reject any suggestion of a Comic book adaptation. Therefore, the Austrian draughtsman Nicolas Mahler, “wanted to draw Waiting for Godot”, in 2012, another challenge had to. He found it in Thomas Bernhard’s “Old masters”, and this time, the heirs agreed. The Comic, like the novel published by Suhrkamp, was a surprise success, although Mahler summarized the plot extremely. But he maintained in the speech bubbles and text boxes, the striking Sprachsuada. With the Bernhard’s theatre “The world improver”, succeeded him two years later.