Lack of Impfbereitschaft counts, according to the world health organization, WHO, to the greatest health risks in the world. They threatened to make the progress in the fight against diseases, to destroy the Vaccinate preventable. The improvement of the Impfbereitschaft, therefore, according to the WHO, one of the priority objectives for the coming years.

As more significant threats to the health of the people in the world WHO sees the air pollution, the spread of antibiotic-resistant germs, the Obesity epidemic and the Emergence of dangerous pathogens such as Ebola.

vaccinations annually two to three million deaths prevent according to the WHO. A further 1.5 million could be added if more people around the world would be vaccinated. The reasons for Here be many and varied. With simple negligence, to vaccines difficult access or lack of confidence. What are the consequences it could have, show the example of measles: Worldwide, the number of cases in the year 2017 is increased by 30 percent compared to the previous year. Also, in some countries, which had already been on the verge of extinction of the disease, there are more cases.