The Paradise Papers Research a Turkish court sentenced a journalist for defamation
The Paradise Papers Research a Turkish court sentenced a journalist for defamation

A Turkish journalist has been sentenced according to research, “the Paradise Papers” on letter box companies and tax havens for insulting a high-ranking politician to around one year in prison. In addition, Pelin Ünker, former economy needs to pay an editor at the daily newspaper “Cumhuriyet”, a fine of 8600 Turkish Lira (about 1400 euros), as a court in Istanbul, according to media reports, decided on Tuesday. Ünker is supposed to have defamed, according to the court, with their work, Parliament chief Binali Yildirim and his sons. Yildirim was until recently Prime Minister of Turkey.

to be followed As a member of an international group of journalists who had investigated the so-called “the Paradise Papers”, and thus controversial transactions with letterbox companies in tax havens, was Ünker traces of Turkish firms based in Malta. Some led to the sons of Binali Yildirim.

Ünkers lawyer Abbas Yalcin said that the judgment was not yet final and Ünker appeal will take. Another lawyer, Tora Pekin said that the existence of the company in Malta, “was the subject of public criticism and therefore news value” ‘ve had. Ünker have had the right to report it. “These reports can not be the subject of an allegation. Journalism is not a Crime.“

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Ünker even said in court, according to a report in the “Cumhuriyet”: “I have done my job as a journalist. The reports series related to public persons, and not only Binali Yildirim was affected. Yildirim had a right to reply. I call saying my free.“

Using the 2017 published “the Paradise Papers”, a total of 13.4 million documents that had international media the financial transactions of politicians, Celebrities and corporations through letter-box companies. The are not necessarily illegal, but may be for tax avoidance.