The summer holidays have started and many people are taking their holidays in France. In a previous Planet article, we told you about the best French beaches to spend your summer. Today, we list for you, in our slideshow available below, the beaches where you should definitely not swim this summer, according to an exclusive ranking produced by the daily Le Figaro. Our colleagues have indeed “listed more than 1,800 beaches in mainland France and rated the municipalities according to the cleanliness of bathing water” using data published by the Ministry of Health. Find the top 5 beaches to avoid during your summer holidays in our slides below.
The presence of Escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci bacteria have been detected in several French beaches and bathing places. But what do you risk if you bathe in these sites? The Ministry of Health informs us that these bacteria can be harmful to health. Indeed, the latter could cause “pathologies of the otolaryngeal sphere, the digestive system (gastroenteritis) or the eyes”.
The listed beaches fall into three distinct categories. We find the beaches with a water quality classified as “excellent”, those where it is “good”, then also “sufficient”, and finally “insufficient”. In this article, we present to you the last 5 beaches in the ranking, that is to say the top 5 of the beaches with “insufficient” water quality. But what does that mean? As Le Figaro explains to us, “insufficient quality thus indicates a higher concentration of bacteria, without necessarily resulting in an automatic ban on swimming.” The daily also specifies that “on the other hand, an insufficient quality classification for five consecutive years implies a permanent prefectural ban on bathing”.
Go to our slides below to discover the 5 beaches.