After its adoption, then its promulgation, the pension reform is now ready to be implemented from September 1st. While summer has just started, retirees are now preparing to see the measures taken by the executive become concrete from the start of the school year. Among the many changes planned, other prospects remain more vague, in particular the future of the Agirc-Arrco solidarity coefficient. What will happen to this bonus/malus?

At the dawn of the implementation of the pension reform, the French are beginning to better define the contours of their future retirement. For some, it is a gradual increase in the retirement age, which will be planned, while, for others, it is purely and simply a matter of postponing their retirement. In this complicated context, several decrees have already been published to specify the details of the measures voted in the National Assembly. Thus, the French beneficiaries of the long career scheme or of certain increases are waiting to see how the coming autumn will take shape.

On the Agirc-Arrco side, it is the supplementary pension and in particular its solidarity coefficient, which raises questions. Thus, this bonus / malus, implemented in 2019, could see its last hours arrive, if we are to believe recent communications. It should be remembered that former private sector employees see, according to this process, their supplementary pension reduced by 10% for three years if they leave at their full rate age. To hope to remove this malus, it is necessary, for that, to work one more year.

While future retirees who accept this scheme can also obtain a bonus for two, three or four additional years of work, the postponement of the legal retirement age raises the question of its sustainability. As Capital explains, the director of the customer relations and regulatory arbitration unit at Agirc-Arrco, Didier Pensec, affirmed that this was “a point for which we have no answer to bring”.

Still according to him, this question is part of “the things that must be negotiated soon by the social partners”. Thus, the supplementary pension scheme for private sector employees is piloted by the unions and the employers, who must meet to discuss their next agreement.

In the long list of subjects to be discussed, maintaining the bonus/malus is one of the thorniest. While trade unionists are betting on negotiations organized in September, the pension reform must be implemented at the same time. Consequently, the first retirees to leave could still be victims of this malus.

Didier Pensec confirmed that “for now, the penalty exists in the regulations”. In the event that a fixed regulation is not drawn up, “during the first liquidations, it will be applied”. An important issue since new retirees could be penalized for nothing in the prospect of this penalty being finally removed.