resim 1967
resim 1967

The Agirc-Arrco system works with a point-based retirement system. This has advantages and disadvantages, in particular a possible increase or reduction. This process thus concerns retirees from the private sector, who have the possibility of having their retirement pension deducted by 10% for a period of three years in the event that their departure takes place before the full rate. Is it possible to escape this reduction and, if so, in which cases?

As explained by Agirc-Arrco, this device was designed to encourage the pursuit of activity beyond the age at which the conditions are met to obtain a full pension. It is even possible to obtain an increase in your pension of between 10 and 30%, if you postpone your retirement by 2, 3 or 4 years. Remember that the full-rate supplementary pension can be obtained without any length of insurance condition, if you have reached the age of 67.

A temporary reduction system thus has the opportunity to be put in place. You are concerned if you were born on or after January 1, 1957 and if you meet the conditions for obtaining your Agirc-Arrco pension at the full rate after January 1, 2019. This system has no impact for you if you were born before January 1, 1957 or if you request your supplementary pension with a permanent reduction. The temporary reduction also does not apply when retirees are exempt from CSG. Discover, in our slideshow, in which cases you escape the reduction.