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Little by little, the pension reform is taking root. While Emmanuel Macron postponed the government announcements to January 10, 2023, the contours of the file are becoming clearer. For the time being, the executive has unveiled several seriously studied avenues such as: raising the minimum retirement pension for a full career to 85% of the minimum wage, better access to phased retirement, facilitating the combination of employment and retirement , the creation of a fund for the prevention of professional wear and tear for professions identified as difficult and the creation of an index on the employment of seniors in companies with more than fifty employees.

Only people born after July 1, 1961 will be affected by the postponement of the legal retirement age, current beneficiaries not being affected by the reform. If the government plans to pass the said reform by the summer of 2023, its plan actually extends until 2031. For nine years, the executive wants to gradually increase the minimum working time by four months each year, to reach age 65. In our slideshow below, learn the details of this nine-step plan.

During the autumn, the government had recourse to article 49 paragraph 3 of the Constitution no less than ten times. And for good reason: on budgetary issues and social security financing bills (PLFSS), its use is unlimited. On the other hand, for any other bill, the Prime Minister has the right to use it only once per session.

According to information from several French media, the executive would try to have its pension reform adopted by including it in a PLFSS to use 49.3 and therefore pass its project without a vote in Parliament.