As part of a state pension, you can benefit from this pension from the moment you reach the legal retirement age. Since July 1, 2011, the legal retirement age has been gradually raised by two years depending on your date of birth and your job category. To obtain a full pension, you must have reached the legal retirement age and have the required insurance period in the year of your 60th birthday. How is the calculation formula then developed?

The basic state pension is calculated according to a specific formula. To determine the amount of the pension, it is necessary to make “last gross index salary x (Number of quarters paid in the pension / Number of quarters required to benefit from a pension at the maximum rate) x 75%”. It should be noted that the pension may be reduced by a discount or increased by a premium or an increase for children. The final amount of your retirement pension will be automatically calculated at the level of the guaranteed minimum.

When calculating your civil servant retirement pension, it cannot be lower than the “guaranteed minimum”. Indeed, in this case, your pension is automatically increased until it reaches the amount of the guaranteed minimum. It is civil servants in receipt of a full-rate retirement pension who can benefit from it. The calculation of the guaranteed minimum is set on the basis of the gross index treatment on January 1, 2004 of the increased index 227. This is 997.96 per month or 11,975.57 euros per year.