The increase for a third person (MTP) is a subsidy allocated by the Insurance Fund to policyholders who need the help of an outside person in their daily life. If you need to be accompanied to eat, get up, move around or wash, you can probably claim this increase. What are its current conditions of attribution?

To benefit from the third-party increase, several scenarios are possible. You can receive it if you are initially a beneficiary of a 3rd category invalidity pension. Persons under the age of 60 due to the after-effects of an accident at work, an occupational disease or disability also have the capacity to make a request. You are also affected by this increase if you are between 60 and 65 years old, under the old-age pension for incapacity. Please note that you must deposit it before the age of 65.

If you wish to apply for an increase for a third party, you can do so with the organization paying your invalidity or old-age pension. This increase is always granted on medical advice and it is imperative that you bring a medical certificate explaining that you need an outside person to help you with your daily tasks. It is quite possible to combine the increase for a third person with other aid, in particular a military disability pension, a war victim’s pension, an annuity, an accident at work or an occupational disease.