When you retire, you can be relieved to take some well-deserved rest and finally see your years of hard work put behind you. However, when the time should be for celebrations, it is sometimes possible to see this time of serenity turn into new worries. Indeed, retirement often rhymes with a loss of income, which leads to a decline in the quality of life. In this context, the amount of your pension appears to be an important piece of data that you want to keep at all costs. Sometimes, however, fluctuations in its total are to be expected. Find out what the reasons are.

If many retirees expect to obtain a permanent retirement pension, the reality is however very different when we observe the reasons that can lead to a reduction in their retirement. Thus, several criteria come into play and are likely to modify the total pension. At the start of the year, a group of retirees had the unpleasant surprise of seeing their pensions drop in February after having experienced an increase in January. A complicated situation to understand, which is explained by the updating of data and the occurrence of annual revaluations.

To explain these variations in the amount of your pension, it is possible to look at all of their causes. At the start of 2023, retirees thus saw their pensions increase in January before seeing it plummet in February under the effect of social security contributions. These compulsory contributions are also subject to changes, notably caused by changing tax revenue, which causes the tax rate to shift from 3.8 to 8.3%. If your income increases, it can, for example, increase from 3.8 to 6.8%. Discover, in our slideshow, all the reasons that can lower your pension.