When you leave to live your retirement abroad, you can continue to receive your pension in your country of residence. However, it is essential to find out about several elements before leaving, in particular the countries that are linked to France through a bilateral agreement. If you must, at first, report your new address and your changes of bank details, other subtleties are to be known e. We take stock for you.

To ask for your care to be covered by your country of resilience, you must, first of all, hold a pension from the general scheme. It is then essential to live for the long term in a country of the European Union or in a country that has signed an agreement containing provisions on the right to health care with France. You can therefore request a certificate of health care rights and send it to the social security organization in your country of residence. This certificate will allow you to be reimbursed for your healthcare costs through your country of residence.

If you are going to live your retirement abroad, do not forget to read the agreement that binds France to the country of your choice. To help you in your decision and, if however you hesitate in the destination to select, you can note the list of countries of the European Union among those which have a link with France thanks to this bilateral agreement. Other states or territories such as Algeria, Argentina, Chile, Brazil and South Korea are among the countries concerned. An agreement has also been signed with countries such as Quebec, Japan and Uruguay.