resim 1847
resim 1847

Some see in the speech of Elisabeth Borne, which will be done in “the fifteen days of July”, a proof of the confidence of the President of the Republic in the Prime Minister. But what is it really?

It was during his trip to the south of France, to Marseille, that the Head of State spoke about Elisabeth Borne. As our colleagues from La Provence report to us, Emmanuel Macron would have said of the Prime Minister, that “for more than a year, Élisabeth Borne has worked to implement all of this in a determined, courageous way at the head of a government. engaged with a relative majority but who knew how to build alliances”. Statements that would imply complicity and trust between the two members of the Executive. But while rumors of a possible reshuffle are whispering louder and louder, and many think that Elisabeth Borne is likely to be fired, the remarks made by the President suggest that the Prime Minister could well keep her place at Matignon.

Nevertheless, is this proof of support for Emmanuel Macron sufficient to be sure? The President is known to go from hot to cold, and we will surely have to wait until mid-July to find out which scenario the Head of State intends to adopt. Moreover, even if Elisabeth Borne keeps her place as Prime Minister, she will have to hire, given the number of her collaborators who have deserted Matignon.

Indeed, it is one by one that the advisers of Elisabeth Borne pack their bags. Several explanations for this are possible. While Matignon judges these departures as simple “summer movements”, some suggest that it is rather the behavior of the Prime Minister which is the cause of all these departures. It is therefore possible that these departures are linked to his “toxic management”. Indeed, this is the “reason invoked by current and former collaborators of Elisabeth Borne, on condition of anonymity”, as Liberation reports.

Another possibility is that the rapprochement with the Republicans is not to everyone’s taste. In any case, this is what Le Monde reports to us. Indeed, for the media, the right-wing policy of the French government could also be the cause of these departures. Nevertheless, the one who faced 17 motions of censure, may well have saved her skin. It will still be necessary to wait until July 14, the day when Emmanuel Macron will speak and draw up the first assessment after the “100 days of appeasement” to find out whether Ségolène Royal’s former chief of staff will keep her place at Matignon.