resim 1848
resim 1848

The channels of the France Télévisions group are popular with our readers. According to our poll conducted last Friday, June 23, we asked you the following question: what is your favorite TV channel? With 577 voters to date, as many as deputies sitting in the National Assembly, three channels made it to the podium.

The France 3 channel won first place with 29% of the vote, followed by France 2, winning 22% of the vote and finally France 5 obtaining 13%. The fifth channel is closely followed by Arte (11%) while the private channels TF1 and M6 only collected 8% of votes each. Why such a success for the public service with viewers?

Last March, Le Parisien indicated that “the average age of all the channels is 57 years old”, in 2022. According to the results revealed, the public service channels, mentioned above, have taken age: 66 years old for France 3, 65 years old for France 5 and finally 62 years old for France 2. What seems to appeal to this target audience are television news (8 p.m.), games and entertainment (Questions pour un champion, Don’t forget the lyrics) or the fictions.

This type of program is popular with fans of the small screen. From comedy to the detective register, there is something for everyone. Each season, the France Télévisions group records good audiences thanks to sure values ​​such as Capitaine Marleau, Astrid et Raphaëlle, Cassandre and Tropiques Criminels, all renewed for new seasons.

If these fictional heroines have enjoyed considerable success, others have not met with the same enthusiasm with the public. Victim of their failure (or even of their success), certain series are sacrificed and stop at the start of the school year. Questioned by the Ile-de-France daily this month, program director Anne Holmes justifies herself. “It’s about renewing our brands”, before adding. “And sometimes, you can’t replace the main actor of a series”.

However, some fictions remain on borrowed time and come back under a new formula like Do not do this, do not do that. What programs will you (not) find (not) at the start of the school year or next year on the second and third public service channels? Planet takes stock in pictures in its slideshow.