The progressive retirement system is gradually becoming a recourse used by future retirees who wish to gradually stop their professional activity. While employees in the private sector are often concerned, contract employees in the public service also have the right to benefit from it under different conditions. Explanations.

Progressive retirement is, first of all, open to private sector employees, but also to agents working under contract in a State service, a local authority, a hospital or a public establishment. It thus allows them to gradually stop working before retiring for good. To benefit from it, you must be two years before the legal retirement age, but also justify 150 quarters of pension contributions. It is also necessary to carry out one or more part-time activities, lasting between 40% and 80% of working time.

The recent pension reform has recently enacted the extension of progressive retirement to the public sector. Consequently, it extends this system to public officials at the end of their career in order to authorize them to work part-time while receiving part of their pension. It is especially the professors who are targeted by this process with a prospect of 60% remuneration and 40% early retirement. Thanks to this recent decision, the government then intends to place the issue of professional wear and tear in the local public service and in hospitals at the heart of the debate.