The federal government will on Thursday (a little) in the ‘shut-down’. As for the king, and the law on the provisional-twelfths arrangements had not at the time of signing, it does not block the federal Budget, as a precaution, all of the federal loans. The noodbegroting has been approved, but for tonight, at 23: 59 all credits to the slot. This is evident from an e-mail which is The Time it took. It is thought that the shut-down Monday to be lifted.

in The plenary session Room on Thursday, the noodbegroting approved for the months of november and december. That noodbegroting has been overridden by an amendment of the LABOUR party, which last week approved a zorgfonds 67 million. There is, however, additional legislation is required in order to receive additional funding for care in order to be able to spend.

Since there is as yet no new government has a regular budget processes, the government is currently working with a provisional credit. The ep, which noodbegroting every couple of months to re-approve it. The noodbegroting is a need for taxes to be collected and expenditure to be able to do it.

SEE ALSO. The opposition cautions the government: “The amendment has to run, otherwise it will be north of the dam” (+)

However, since 1 november is a public holiday, as well as king Philippe of the law is no more time formally, you can confirm it with his signature, and fear of the federal budget that the necessary appropriations are not longer available on time time. This is evident from an e-mail to all the government services that could be accessed.

as a precaution, block the service, so all of the sovereign as of Thursday evening 23: 59, the king and the law has already been signed. Most likely, this happens right after the weekend, and that the ‘shut-down’ in practice, only a minor effect on the government remains to be functioning properly, and that the wages and salaries of civil servants will be paid as normal can be. The government is only formal, this weekend not to make a payment.

for More on the Federal budget, the Open VLD, it will noodbegroting approval “in order to force the government not to jeopardize” it, but is angry at LABOUR Room need to come together during the autumn half-term holidays, but the members of parliament will be part of the trip will be reimbursed And all of a sudden beating, the Flemish Interest and the LABOUR party together, what would happen to the budget? And is it really a shutdown? Room 67 million from a “white rage”, but that is the risk ‘shut-down’: “completely irresponsible”