The Freeland budget did not leave you cold. Several readers lament that it is a deficit budget, some with great vigour. Here are some comments received.

“Unfortunately a budget that still advocates economic growth that will continue to amplify the overstepping of planetary boundaries. Working on inequalities is essential, developing renewable energies too, but we need a global plan to decrease and quickly reduce our impact on GHGs, biodiversity, the phosphorus and nitrogen cycle, the water and chemical pollution. We must stop believing that more so-called green growth will reduce our overall impact. Our children will judge us harshly. »

“Interventionism does not help Canadians. Once again, we are postponing the promise of a balanced budget. So today’s public services are paid for with young people’s credit cards. There is a growing generational inequity. »

“Another deficit!” A government that collects too much tax money to the point where it has to give money to the provinces for health! […]. The feds give everyone candy to buy votes. He wasted money during the pandemic. He is the main responsible for inflation in the country and runs huge deficits to wade into areas of provincial jurisdiction. This is nonsense. »

“It’s getting worse and worse; I would never have thought that one day a government would spend taxpayers’ money so carelessly and without consequences for its stay in power. The next generations will really taste it. »

“I fully understand the need for the federal government to invest in infrastructure as a prime contractor or partner or, failing that, to put in place the conditions that will encourage companies to make the required investments and, even at the need, to support the provincial governments in delivering services to the population, but I have great difficulty accepting budget deficits such as the ones this government foresees. Before, we managed more tightly. Isn’t there a way to conduct a comprehensive program review of agencies and ministries to identify obsolete programs and savings opportunities? When was the last comprehensive federal program review? This government would be well advised to undertake it before the next election, which may come much sooner than this government wishes! »

“As the saying goes, the devil is often in the details, but on the face of it, it’s a good budget for everyday people, whether it’s dental care or grocery reimbursement, we see it there.” an ORANGE tinted sheen. Thanks, NDP!