The heat wave episodes are back. The forecasts for July and August indicate several periods of possible high heat during the summer. This weather situation has a strong impact on your garden. How to maintain it after a heat wave? Check it out in our slideshow below.

For the year 2023, these periods of high heat should affect all the more elements. Indeed, with the arrival of the El Niñ o phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean, the soil is likely to warm up significantly. This leads in particular to more significant episodes of drought that will be felt on your green space. It is then necessary to take some precautions for the maintenance of the latter.

During a hot spell, you may be tempted to mow your lawn to keep it healthy. Nevertheless, it is rather recommended to avoid mowing too regularly during a dry state. Indeed, it could cause water stress and make the situation worse. A risk of burns is also possible. Mower blades can tear up already damaged parts of the lawn.

More so, it is possible to lose moisture by using a lawn mower during a dry spell. Tall grass helps create shade and reduce evaporation. By cutting them, your lawn is no longer protected. Finally, mowing during the heat wave can cause a weakening of the plants, as Sciencepost points out. “Mowing is an additional stress for the lawn: by avoiding it during a heat wave, the lawn will have a better chance of recovering once conditions improve”, specifies the site. To find out what to do after this dry spell, see our slideshow below.