The “mirror” in the Review of the stories of the mid-December as a forger behaved former editor-in-Claas Relotius a large piece. Of the approximately sixty texts written Relotius for the “Spiegel” and “Spiegel Online” are now checked 28, or as it is said in “Spiegel Online”, “again” has been verified. There is little that emerges from the examination that there is no objection. Most of them are fake, contain Exaggerations, false facts, invented and playback of conversations and Interviews that are not conducted Relotius even with people he has not met.

Michael Hanfeld

responsible editor for the features section Online and “media”.

F. A. Z.

It starts with the middle of last year in the “mirror” (number 27/2018) published story of an American who survived within three years of the attack of a rattlesnake, a bear and a shark. The thing’s voice, other media had previously reported about it, but Relotius has invented, as it is called in the “SpOn”, the Details, and in its portrayal greatly exaggerated. Similarly, it is acting in the in the spring of 2018 printed history of the Romanians, who had moved to Turkey to work there, and in his home mistakenly declared dead.

Not only exaggerated, but as a largely falsified stories, the thread note is already longer known to apply. The report “Jaegers border,” appeared in the “mirror” 48/2018, those who brought Relotius to the case, because the “mirror”Reporter Juan Moreno nachrecherchierte the part, the Relotius beige had controls. The vigilantes in Arizona want to prevent refugees to come from Mexico across the border, I met a Relotius never, in a conversation he had admitted in December “extensive forgeries in the Text”. The name of one of five citizens, military people (who he never met and never talked) I Relotius invented.

The dramaturgy of fiction

The Interview with the ninety-nine-year-old Traute Lafrenz (“mirror” number 39/2018), the last Survivors of the resistance group “White Rose”, contains, as the result of the Review of the “essential Parts of obvious fakes” and “number of statements, which are not so well pleased'”.

“Massive falsifications” contained Relotius story “child’s play” about a thirteen-year-old boy from Syria, is believed to have triggered the war, because he makes the Syrian strongman Assad in a Graffito had offended. The dramaturgical concept of the story, the result of the Review, was “fiction”.

From the famous documentary “In a small town” about the place of Fergus Falls (“the mirror” number 13/2017) remains after the Review is also as good as nothing: It is the voice of “almost nothing – the biographies of the main characters are made up and the facts are mostly wrong”.