Only a few more days before Christmas dinner. On the menu: foie gras, turkey, dauphine potatoes or even champagne to accompany it all. But of course, don’t forget the dessert. While many people prefer to cook their own pastry log, others opt for desserts made by professionals or for industrial logs.

And that makes sense since the preparation of the Christmas meal often requires a lot of preparation and it is therefore difficult to find the time to do everything yourself. Especially since some industrial logs are particularly good and will conquer all the guests.

However, these foods are not always the best for your health. In any case, this is what the UFC Que Choisir reveals in one of its latest surveys. The consumer association analyzed no less than 50 industrial logs and they discovered that some of these desserts contained beef gelatin as well as 15 different additives. “It’s too much, especially since we still don’t know anything about possible “cocktail effects” in the event of a mixture of these molecules”, explains the association.

At the end of this major survey, the UFC Que Choisir has established a ranking from the worst log to the best. However, if some are better than others, she nevertheless specifies that “all the logs available in supermarkets are ultra-processed products to be consumed in moderation. Some brands stand out positively, although this is not systematic for all their references.

Discover in our slideshow the worst and the best industrial Yule logs.