Get ready, thunder rumbles and lightning shoots out of the stormy clouds… While France is still under the influence of a stormy episode in certain departments, it can be tempting to witness it more closely by observing the lightning forming from his window… And yet, observing this impressive spectacle of nature is however highly inadvisable, just like other practices.

According to Météo France, here are the precautions to take during this weather anomaly…

Because “thunderstorms can be violent and sudden and have serious consequences”, explains Météo France. This is all the more true with lightning, which is defined according to the site as “an intense electrical discharge that can kill a man or an animal, char a tree, cause fires or damage an aircraft.”

Also, admiring from your window the lightning passing through the clouds during a storm can be dangerous, according to the media Selection. Why is this risky? Although it is possible to be slightly dazzled, this is not a problem related to vision.

This is because doors and windows contain metal parts that conduct electricity. When an individual is near a window, he therefore has a chance of being electrocuted by touching his frame. It is therefore better to abstain… or to watch from afar.